Horizen at Consensus 2022, Austin TX
Horizen was a sponsor of the Consensus 2022 which was held in Austin, Texas, and we had a fantastic time!
On-Site Token Launch Station
We had a booth on the exhibitor hall where we hosted an on-site token launch station! The pre-booked 2-day launch schedule was fully booked before the event, and we had many “walk-ins” that lined up by our booth to create their own token on TokenMint.
Our swag was a huge hit too!
Horizen Presentations
Horizen Co-Founder and Team Lead Rob Viglione presented “From Cypherpunk to Solving the Blockchain Trilemma Through zkSNARKS” at Consensus to a packed audience while also conducting a fireside chat on “How Zero-Knowledge Proofs Change the Narrative Around Privacy.”
Horizen x Horizen Labs x Halborn Happy Hour Networking Event
Horizen, along with Horizen Labs, hosted a side event with our partner, Halborn Security at Consensus, where guests enjoyed food, drink, and networking! We saw many longtime community members at the event, and it was a good chance for much of the team to network and catch up with each other during the busy event week.
Add our future events to your calendar: Google Calendar, iCal (non-google app access)