Do some good, get some ZenCash tips!
We are now introducing the ZenTipBot on Discord! The TipBot is used to send ZenCash to other Discord members you wish to reward. Join our discord channel, do some good, and get some tips!
Users will have the opportunity to deposit ZEN into a personal address assigned by the TipBot. They can then use this ZEN to directly tip other Discord users in amounts less than or equal to 1 ZEN.
Users can tip other users an exact ZEN amount, a random ZEN amount between 0-0.1, or a fiat currency equivalent of ZEN. The fiat currencies that are supported are listed below.
Users may also drop “packets”≤ 1 ZEN in Discord channels. These packets can then be claimed by other users within 20 minutes of being dropped. Packet tips can either be split evenly or in random amounts by the users who claim them.
Users will have access to their balance and can withdraw from their tip bot address to a t-address at any point by using the commands below. Withdrawals are only supported by t-addresses.
To get a list of commands, direct message zen-tipbot: !tip. You will receive the following message with the bot commands:
!tip help : display this message.
!tip deposit : get an address to top up your balance. Warning: Mining directly into your tip-bot-address is prohibited (You won’t be able to use these ZENs)! And no support for retrieving these ZENs will be provided!
!tip balance : get your balance.
!tip withdraw <amount> <address> : withdraw <amount> ZENs from your balance to your T <address> (Only T addresses are supported!).
!tip luck <amount> <n> [message] : drop a packet in a channel, the <amount> is divided randomly (one tip is bigger, you can win jackpot) between the <n> first people to open the packet. Leave an optional [message] with the packet. Only one packet per channel is allowed. Maximum is 20 people. Your packet will be active for next 20 minutes, then can be overwritten. Maximum tip has to be ≤ 1 ZEN.
!tip each <amount> <n> [message] : drop a packet in a channel, the <amount> is divided equally between the <n> first people to open the packet. Leave an optional [message] with the packet. Only one packet per channel is allowed. Maximum is 20 people. Your packet will be active for next 20 minutes, then can be overwritten. Maximum tip has to be ≤ 1 ZEN.
!tip <@user> <amount> [message] : tip <@user> <amount> ZENs. Maximum tip has to be ≤ 1 ZEN.
!tip <@user> random [message] : tip <@user> random ZENs where random is <0.0, 0.1)
!tip <@user> <amount><fiat_currency_ticker> [message] : tip <@user> ZENs in fiat equivalent. Example: !tip @lukas 200czk. You can use <fiat_currency_ticker> with every command. Where <fiat_currency_ticker> can be: USD, EUR, RUB, JPY, GBP, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, CZK, DKK, HKD, IDR, ILS, INR, KRW, MXN, MYR, NOK, NZD, PHP, PKR, PLN, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, TWD, ZAR
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