Mandatory Software Upgrade: Download ZEN 2.0.23
ZEN 2.0.23 replaces the current version, ZEN 2.0.22, which is set to deprecate (no longer run). The focus of this version is maintenance and performance improvements.
Please update your ZEN software before the 22nd of April. The new 2.0.23 version is available now at or through the APT repository.
You must upgrade your wallets ONLY if you use Sphere by Horizen on full mode or Swing wallet.
- Reindexfast – Rebuild block chain index from current blk000??.dat files on startup, skipping expensive checks for blocks below checkpoints. Faster sync speed by skipping expensive checks for blocks below checkpoints. #350
- Improve tracking of penalized chains by adding optional argument –with-penalties=true/false to ‘getchaintips’ RPC call #348
- Added tests for block halving #342
- Update OpenSSL dependency #365
- Modify contrib/linearize to work with zend #362
What happens if you do not upgrade before the 22nd of April?
- Exchanges and Partners: you will not be able to access your funds until you upgrade to the latest version.
- Pool operators: ZEND will not work and thus you will not be able to mine ZEN until you upgrade to ZEN 2.0.23.
- Node operators: ZEND will not work and thus you will not be eligible to earn ZEN until you upgrade to ZEN 2.0.23.
- Full node wallet users (Swing wallet, Sphere by Horizen): you will not be able to access your funds until you upgrade to the latest wallet version.
April 6, 2021 @ 5:14 pm
como realizo esta actualizacion mil gracias de antemano
April 24, 2021 @ 8:32 am
Me pueden ayudar soy nuevo en el mundo cripto estuve buscando pero no tengo idea de como actualizo muxas gracias